English Language
During the first two weeks of school, students have been introduced to
autobiography as a type of text and read three passages (
Liverpool Miss, Steven Gerrard and the Goat Race) from this genre. Not only did they analyze these texts, but also they answered questions provided in the Check Point book. Students have come across new vocabulary in these texts and have been assigned to find and learn their meanings as homework for this weekend.
Today in all three classes, we started working on a different type of text:
poetry. In this period, students have written their own poems on daffodils as a group activity. We will continue working on poetry with a poem called `Daffodils` by William Wordsworth next week.
Here are some images of the students as they were discussing in their groups and producing their poems.
English Literature
In English Literature, in this volume, we`ll be reading a novel called
`The Eighteenth Emergency` which focuses on bullying and its results. During this volume, we will be doing a lot of interactive projects on bullying along with the novel. So far, we have finished the first two chapters of the book and students are asked to do their first vocabulary homework from chapter 1 and also read chapter 3 during the weekend.
This is a short summary of the first two weeks in English. Next week, I will be sharing some of the poems students have written and a summary of the 3rd week in English along with pictures from the classrooms.
Ms. Eda
Grade 5 English Teacher