Thursday, April 11, 2013

This Week in English

This week, students wrote their first graded assignment on `Informal Letter Writing` in English Language.

During the week, they worked on the theory, examined sample letters and the format of a letter and yesterday they concluded the topic by writing their very own letters as Rahul, a fictional character from the folktale `Stripes Tiger and the Boy`, to Preety using the story as a reference.


In English Literature, we carried on with narration of some more folktales and discussing elements in them. Today (in 5B and 5A) we started working on folktales of Ananse the Spider from Ghana, Africa. We learned the common elements in Ananse folktales, characteristics of the hero in these stories and people of the Ashanti tribe from which these tales have originated.

Next week, we will read the tale called `All Stories Are Ananse`s` and analyze it during the English Literature periods.

Ms. Eda

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Anti-Bullying Assembly from Grade 5

Today, April 9, Grade 5 students and I had our assembly on bullying; how to handle and stop it. We watched a cartoon about Milton, a bullied schoolboy, and learnt a thing or two about what to do if we ever get bullied or witness somebody being bullied. You can watch this cartoon by clicking here.

A few weeks before the assembly, Imaan and Noorain (5C) met their friends and talked to them about their experiences with bullying. After they conducted their interviews, Haail (5B) recorded them and edited the video. 

We had another team preparing badges with the sentence `I`m not a Bully!` on them for every student in the primary section. Faina (5B) took charge of the project and led it successfully till the end. 

Last, but not the least, our students prepared a song called `Firework` to tell everybody how special they are and practiced it for over a week during their lunch breaks. Result: everybody was amazed and truly touched by their talent and kindness.

So, I would like to take this opportunity thank all my students who participated and put a lot of effort in this project, you guys are the best!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Back to School with Folk Tales

After a relaxing week of holidays, we resumed with English where we left off. In English Language, we started with reading comprehension with texts such as `Stripes Tiger and the Boy`  and `Plop!` which are provided in the Checkpoint books students have received this week. They read these stories in class, discussed them at length and answered comprehension questions based on the texts. They have also been given vocabulary homework from these stories for their weekly spelling quizzes.

In this volume, for English Literature we don`t have a novel to read; instead we will be learning about Folk Tales and reading quite many of them. During the first week, students were introduced to folktales as a genre and different types of it. In the following weeks, they will be focusing on each category individually; read and analyze the texts and even create their own tales.

Ms. Eda