Sunday, March 17, 2013

Note Writing and Lost Turtles

A few weeks ago, Grade 5 students had two fun activities for the week.

Let`s start with English Language.

We spent one week on note writing, learning about the format, purpose, tone of a good note. Once we finished analyzing examples, students started writing their own notes. One of each note went to their notebooks and the other one was posted on a bulletin board for that class.

You can also check these links out to see the presentations students used during the lesson.


The very same week, in English Literature, we read the chapter in which Benjie and Ezzie found a turtle in Garbage Dog`s mouth. In that week`s assignment, students changed places with Ezzie and Benjie; and decided to make posters to find the owner of the lost turtle. Here are some of the most beautiful and elaborate posters.

Ms. Eda

Grade 5 students have worked really hard during the first quarter of the year and deserved the upcoming break. But before we went on holidays, we decided to get together in the school hall and enjoy a nice movie. The first movie of the year was `Dolphin Tale` and we`re all looking forward to the next one!

Ms. Eda